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THE EMBODIED KING NEW BANNER (Facebook Cover)(5).png




Are you ready to become absolutely certain, clear and confident in who you truly are as a man and start to lead all areas of your life from that grounded clarity?


Are you ready to be the generational course breaker of wounded masculinity on this planet and become the embodied, heart centered, deep, wise and reliable man you always wished you had in your life?


Are you ready face your pain, your traumas, your fears and rise in healing, remembrance and love with a brotherhood also on fire for the inner work and awakening?


Are you ready to make the step from boy to man, from adolescence to maturity and start to be the man this Earth and the feminine is praying for?

With the right guidance, structure, practices, teachings, dedicated brotherhood and your honest effort to the healing and awakening of your own heart, the transformation you long for is not only possible,



Are you ready to make a deeply tangible shift in the way you see life, feel yourself and your life as a man?

We are currently living in the age of the absent father, a crisis in masculinity.  Men have lost the connection to their heart, to nature, to who they truly are, and to the power, purpose and importance of Heart centered masculine leadership.  Our society has accidentally demonized masculinity, leaving many men feeling lost, confused, and ashamed to be in their own body because of the unconscious, greedy and violent behavior of our forefathers.


In our times, the collective masculine feels it either must dominate and push forward at all costs to avoid the pain of feeling inadequate, or be "the nice guy" and be pushed over, never expressing needs, ask for help or be assertive in anyway as it may be seen as "toxic masculine", patriarchal, or weak. Although these ways of being are easy, they will never lead to personal or collective healing, awakening or freedom, they are both simply adolescent trauma responses that only perpetuate our pain and disconnection and need to be matured.

It's time to once again be the fathers and heart centered Embodied Kings this earth is praying for and so desperately needs.

Most men seek the counsel of either women, relying on their validation and love in order to feel good about themselves, or enter the echo chamber of ego driven unconscious men who appear to be confident and "getting it done" on the outside but are still simply wounded little boys afraid to truly be vulnerable and face their fears on the inside.


NOW, is the time for men to rise once again in integrity, honest brotherhood, and remembrance in the power and love that is the mature masculine at it's core.  

Elderly couple relaxing together


The Embodied King is a 3 month course and brotherhood specifically for men who are ready to mature from adolescent boyhood psychology to that of a mature, embodied and awakened man in full.  The course is a presentation and practical step by step map outlining a clear and proven path for the total healing, spiritual maturation and awakening of the masculine soul.


In any complete spiritual or personal healing journey, all aspects of our being must be acknowledged and worked on in a step by step, clear and efficient approach.  In the Embodied King, you will gain a thorough theoretical and practical understanding of:


       ☸ The Core Masculine Wounds and How to Heal Them

       ☸ The Essential Masculine Spiritual Practice and The Ancient Traditions

       ☸ The Embodied Release and Healing of Trauma

       ☸ Healing Your Relationship to the Feminine and How to Lead                             Powerfully in Relationship

       ☸ Shadow Work and Embodied Shadow Integration

       ☸ Healing the Mother/Father Wound

       ☸ Re - Fathering and Healing Your Inner Boy

       ☸ Healing Sexual Trauma and Sexual Confidence Issues

       ☸ The Art of Semen Retention and Sacred Sexuality for Men

       ☸ Embodying Healthy and Mature Masculinity for the Sake of Love

       ☸ The Healing Power of Honest and Sacred Brotherhood

       ☸ True Meditation and Embodied Spiritual Practice

Couples Hug

If you're a heart centered man longing to get clear on and start to truly walk the path of healing, spiritual awakening and psychological maturation, this is your course and the brotherhood is ready for you.​


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Elliot S.

"I had a life transforming experience through participating in this course. The course and Ian's leadership gave me a deeper understanding of who I am, how I relate in the world and a vision with tools for how I want to lead my life. The structure of the program with weekly meetings, journal exercises, interacting with the other brothers, the embodiment/meditation/Qi Gong/yoga practices and the inspiring leadership created the conditions for deep shifts and realizations to take place for me. I left the program feeling much more stable and confident in myself and in the year after the program I have navigated my interactions with female partners with much more grace, ease and understanding that I ever before.  I highly recommend this course to each and every man. If you are thinking about it, do it. You will walk away at a whole new level."​

Home design


☸ Looking for a sacred and safe space of radical honesty, truth, depth, brotherhood, healing, love and authenticity amongst like Hearted and committed men.


☸ Ready to embark on a clear step by step journey to heal the deepest wounds/trauma and walk an authentic spiritual path specifically designed for the masculine structure.


☸ Longing for support, guidance and clarity on how to embody their masculine core and start to give it as a gift of love to their partners, families, communities, work and this earth.


☸ Finished walking through life isolating as a lone wolf, pretending to be "good" when really deep down you're longing for brotherhood, safety, connection and support.


☸ Ready to break the never ending cycle of relationship patterns that keep you from experiencing true intimacy and true love with a partner. ​


☸ Ready to commit to daily embodied practice, meditation, energetic re alignment and strength training to completely harmonize, strengthen and deepen in mind, body and spiritual understanding.


☸ Ready to get clear on the deepest purpose of your heart and lay out the structure of how to start living and breathing it in full commitment.


☸ Ready to heal sexual trauma, confidence issues around sexual performance and how to harness your sexual energy to cultivate more confidence, emotional healing, financial success, more energy, spiritual depth, and be more magnetic, open and loving than ever to your partner or future partners. 

​If any of this matches the longing of your Heart, you're in the right place.

Couple Hugging


In each of the 13 weeks of the course a new essential topic, teaching and embodied practice will be presented.  The deeper you lean into the practices and course material, the deeper your initiation and transformation will be.  Keep in mind, this course is an intensive.  It is meant to stretch you while simultaneously hold you and it's important to understand what that looks like.  Below is the general time commitment and all that will be included in the course: 


☸ There will be 13 2hr live group calls (once per week for 13 weeks) on zoom with the exceptions of the first and last call which will be 2.5hrs.  Each call will include the introduction of a topic followed by an embodied partner or group practice to fully experience the teaching.  This will then be followed by a group coaching and Q&A session with Ian on the topic.


☸ Each week a 20 minute lecture video will be given after each call to deepen your knowledge of the topic. 


☸ Each week you will have 4 to 6 challenge questions to answer which you will post in the community chat forum to help you self reflect and integrate the teachings.

☸ A 1hr practice video will be given each week that you will commit to complete 5/7 times per week and keep yourself accountable to this practice in the group chat.  These videos will be a guided flow of Qi Gung, embodiment work, breath work, hatha yoga, pranayama, somatic release and different kinds of meditation to deepen in your understanding of spirit, openness of the heart, expand your nervous system, increase your life force energy, deepen your presence, master your sexual energy and to strengthen and purify the physical and subtle dimensions of your being. 


☸ Every two weeks you will have a new accountability partner who you will have a 30 minute call with per week to check in about what's arising in the course, support one another in your processes and to deepen in brotherhood. 


☸ There will be a community Whatsapp group chat in which all have the space to share about their processes, Q&A/integration support with Ian, accountability for the practices and challenges and constant support and feedback from the brotherhood.


☸ The experience of being in a brotherhood on fire for the inner work that loves, cares and will be there to hold you in whatever arises is an invaluable experience.  The healing and transformative power of sacred brotherhood and masculine alchemy is something that can only be experienced and is very real. With good brothers by your side, all that you wish to achieve is possible. 


☸ If you lean into all this value that's offered and stay steady on the path with the brotherhood, the freedom and transformation you seek by joining will not only be possible, it will be inevitable. ​


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Victor C.

​​"This was my first time in an intentional self work container and also my first time in a men's group.  I've always had a difficult relationship with the masculine in my life and so joining this course was definitely an edge for me, however, I'm so glad I did it because it's changed my life in so many ways. It was incredible witness a very tangible transformation in myself through the weeks of daily embodied practice, guidance from Ian and support of the brotherhood.  I noticed how I was able to handle difficult situations that were coming up in my relationship and life in such a healthy and calm way that I never thought possible before.  It's impossible to do justice through words how impactful and significant this course has been for my life."


☸ A clear and embodied understanding of what healthy and mature masculinity looks like uniquely to you.


☸ The direct knowledge and embodied freedom of knowing you who you truly are beyond all concepts, ideas and beliefs.


☸ A step by step path of how to heal your trauma, emotional wounds, and integrate the wounded  parts of your psyche and childhood.


☸ The confidence of knowing how to speak your truth, stand your ground and honor your needs and boundaries for the sake of love.


☸ An embodied understanding of masculine and feminine polarity and how to lead your relationships in a powerful, loving and inspiring way.


☸ How to come in touch with the deepest purpose of your heart and bring it forth as a gift to this Earth. ​

☸ A powerful daily practice that will open and charge your physical body with energy and strength, expand the capacity of your nervous system beyond what you could imagine, quiet your mind and bring you in direct contact with the essence of love, consciousness, and freedom that you truly are.


☸ The accountability and sharpening of an honest yet fully loving brotherhood to make sure you do what you say you will and help heal your relationship to commitment and the true meaning of freedom.


☸ A brotherhood of incredible men that could be by your side for the rest of your life.


☸ The incredible sense of eternal joy from honoring the most important thing in your life, your healing, your growth and the remembrance of who you truly are alongside brothers who love and car about you. 

If you're ready to become the man you've always wished to see in this world and come to know the true freedom within, let's begin.


Soren L.

"It was amazing how Ian created a container of safety, trust, and vulnerability immediately with a bunch of men who’ve never met each other.  I feel so much more grounded, confident, aware of myself and how to be embodied and present in any moment.  I’m so grateful for the expansion of my nervous system from the practices and the ability to be present with the discomforts and challenges of life. It was amazing and I will forever be grateful."



Ian is a men's work facilitator and coach, couples intimacy coach, breathwork and trauma release facilitator, kambô practitioner and yoga/meditation teacher.


In 2012, Ian left his life as a night club promoter and hotel manager in New York City on a spontaneous longing for meaning, healing and truth.


Ian then spent 13 years and continuing in deep practice and study of ancient spiritual traditions and healing arts around the world. From living in ashrams in India, to Buddhist monasteries in Myanmar, to being an apprentice to an Ayahuasca shaman in the Amazon to studying with masters of modern healing modalities, to spending months in silent retreats, his longing for truth lead him to experience life changing healing and profound experiences of truth. 


Because of his deep curiosity and openness to all angles of healing and spiritual awakening he studied and immersed himself deeply in many paths and modalities including Yoga, meditation, trauma release, psychotherapy, inner child work, Tantra, relationship therapy, plant medicine, shadow work, group therapy and men's work.      


Ian now combines his vast knowledge of all these modalities and the experience of his personal healing and awakening journey. to skillfully meet individuals and groups where they are to provide a holistic and tangible path to the inner work.



All live calls will take place on zoom. Because the course is 80% embodied practice it is important that your space is set up for practice on every call.  This means being seated on the floor with proper cushions with plenty of space around you to move. You should be clearly visible with proper lighting so that Ian can see you from the chest up and also be able to hear you clearly.


Also make sure you have a 15 minute flexibility window for the end of the calls in case the call runs a little longer.  Calls will always start on time, but can sometimes run over depending on group processes that need energetic completion.


☸ Call 1: March 24th  // 6pm - 8:30pm CET

☸ Call 2: March 31st // 6pm - 8pm CET

☸ Call 3: April 7th // 6pm - 8pm CET

☸ Call 4: April 14th // 6pm - 8pm CET

☸ Call 5: April 21st  // 6pm - 8pm CET

☸ Call 6: April 28th  // 6pm - 8pm CET

☸ Call 7: May 5th // 6pm - 8pm CET

☸ Call 8: May 12th // 6pm - 8pm CET

☸ Call 9: May 19th // 6pm - 8pm CET

☸ Call 10: May 26th // 6pm - 8pm CET

☸ Call 11: June 2nd // 6pm - 8pm CET


☸ Call 12: June 16th // 6pm - 8pm CET

☸ Call 13: June 23rd // 6pm - 8:30pm CET

All calls will be recorded and uploaded to the online course platform for review and for any men that miss a call and need watch it.  The calls will not be shared or used in any other way outside the course, besides the direct content of Ian without consent.

Couple in mountain meadow


There are only 18 spots available and are on a first come first serve basis. 


A maximum of 3 of the 13 calls can be missed.  If you miss more than 3 without a legitimate cause, you may be asked to leave the cohort and to join the next one.


Make sure you have read and understood fully the time commitment of this course and the call schedule.


Refunds for cancellation are possible in the event of major medical emergencies.  For all other reasons, the fee can be put toward a future course or 1:1 or couple's work with Ian.






  • Basic Package

    • Includes the full course
  • Basic Package 3x Payment Plan

    Every month
    3 monthly payments of $400
    Valid for 3 months
    • Includes the Full Course
  • The King Package

    • Includes full course + 3x 1.5hr 1:1 Coaching Calls with Ian
  • The King Package 3x Payment Plan

    Every month
    3X Payments of $600 for 3 Months
    Valid for 3 months
    • Includes full course + 3x 1.5hr 1:1 Coaching Calls with Ian
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