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THE EMBODIED KING NEW BANNER (Facebook Cover)(4).png

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You're here in this moment because there is some level of yearning in your heart for love, freedom or both. Maybe you've felt your whole life like you don't fit in, like you don't belong or that life in itself is not trustable or safe.  Maybe you've had a really tough childhood, maybe you've chased your dreams to no avail, maybe you've tried therapy, maybe you consider yourself spiritual or have had a practice of some kind for many years but still find yourself in waves of depression, irritability, thinking your not good enough, struggling in relationships and so on.  Maybe you've tried to digest the infinite amount of messages and content from coaches, therapists influencers, spiritual teachers and feel even more confused about how to walk the path of healing either alone or in relationship. 


First of all you're not alone in that and you've come to the right place. Secondly, the good news is that every internal struggle or experience of deep emotional pain you have can be completely resolved and brought to harmony without the use of any prescription drugs or anything needing to change in your outside environment no matter how unpleasant it may be.


In fact, it never had anything to do with external circumstances.  Indeed, your struggle seems to come from what is happening to you on the outside, but the very peace and sense of deep fulfillment you intuitively know is possible has nothing to do with anything being the way you want or imagine it on the outside.  We've simply forgotten who we truly are and who are partners and loved ones truly are.  This is the root cause of all of our trauma, and with a very simple shift of attention, perspective and with the right guidance, patience, and perseverance, transformation is not only possible it is inevitable.


I'm not here to sell you big packages of sessions with me and send you in an endless loop of speaking about your history and giving you some affirmations to repeat and journaling work, I'm not a talk therapist or regular life coach.  I'm here to work with you as little as possible, yet directly and precisely.  I'm here to take you to the root of all the stories and structures that cause you pain and bring you true and lasting resolution and peace in your being.    


The nuances of our traumas and delusion are all different and yet the nature of the psychology behind them is exactly the same.  Once you can pierce through the untruth of your mind through inquiry and bring light to the root of its structures, release the tension your body has built from the years of belief in those structures, integrate and embody the insights from this process, and maintain the direct experience of knowing who you truly are beyond all of it, love and freedom will be revealed as your natural state of being.

I work with couples, men, women and anyone who is experiencing internal struggle. The problems are many, the medicine is one and we walk the path together.



Relational Healing 

The path of relationship is one of the most beautiful and also challenging ways in our which our soul longs to heal and remember it's true nature. Relationship brings our deepest most vulnerable childhood wounds and traumas to the surface and with the right tools, practices, understandings and proper guidance, relationship can go from the greatest difficulty you experience in life, to your greatest joy and path to ultimate freedom. 

Whether you are in a harmonious relationship yet longing for more depth and intimacy or having difficulty and needing immediate support, reach out.  I offer 1:2 work and also 2:2 work with my partner Valentina.  We also offer online courses and workshops that offer the full spectrum of how walk relationship as a spiritual path and path of healing. 



Men's Work

Mature brotherhood and heart centered awakened masculine leadership is a crucial missing piece in our culture today. Men of this age feel inadequate, isolated, confused or the need to prove something at the cost of their own and others well being. 


The epidemic of masculine suffering and confusion is at an all time high and is in direct  correlation to environmental destruction and the highest divorce rate in history.


Through retreats, 1:1 work and online courses I help men heal, embrace, open and become the heart centered embodied Kings they already are.  Wherever you are on your journey, honest brotherhood and dedicated practice will sharpen you to your finest, open you to your core and is the answer to the prayer of the feminine, your fellow brothers and this Earth. 


1:1 Mentorship

This is the most intimate and effective way for us to work together.  In this space we go straight the root of your core wounds, truama and tendencies.  I help you bring a complete healing to your being not only at the level of the psyche but somatically at the level of the body, nervous system and spiritual dimension of your being. 

If you are ready to truly transform your experience of life from struggle, confusion, pain, and feeling unworthy into harmony, peace and internal freedom, reach out and let's get started. 

Silent Retreats 

The basis and direction of any truly transformative or authentic healing work must at some point acknowledge the ground of consciousness, pure being itself. 

This understanding is confirmed in the poems and teachings of every truly awakened spiritual master or authentic spiritual lineage.  It is the very purpose and end result of all my work, the revelation of the simplicity and freedom of pure beingness that you already are. 


I share silent meditation and hatha yoga retreats in the lineage and teachings of Ramana Maharshi with the guidance and structure of my teacher Sahajananda and Hridaya Yoga.  


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